November 2, 2009


tadi aku dapat email dari chickyvoguekulai [ya ampun] pasal horoscope. bagi aku makin horor ade la. bukan nak percaya tapi menatang2 macam ni kadang kala macham memang perangai kita yang sekarang. aku just membaca, kalau percaya kang dah terpesong aqidah pulak. just nak share dengan u olls saje..

LEO - The Boss [aku agak bossy la].
Very organized [yang ni tipu].
Need order in their lives - like being in control [sikit sikit la].
Like boundaries. [kadang kadang]
Tend to take over everything. Bossy. [memang sah AKU]
Like to help others. [ SANGAT!]
Social and outgoing. [yeah..mak ibam kan..]
Extroverted. [try me..]
Generous, warm-hearted. [hip hip hoooreyyy]
Sensitive. [hati tisu]
Creative energy. [bohong]
Full of themselves. [kinda]
Loving. [ade?]
Doing the right thing is important. [100% setuju]
Attractive. [auwwww...]
korang pulak?

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